Eighty-first Post

We’re the ones with intelligence.  We have to evolve.  If we stand still while life all around us moves forward, we might find ourselves no longer the dominant species.  We have the capability of leaving this planet and exploring the universe, once we catch up to the technology.  We can’t blow this.  We can’t destroy ourselves, or confine ourselves to this earth.  We have to ensure the survival of our species, and we do that by making the world a better place for the ones who come after.

### A memory

People would sometimes not want to go into the little safe deposit box room because they were just taking something out or putting something in, and that way they didn’t have to keep handing their key to the employee.  We would turn our backs, since we couldn’t leave a box unlocked, and they would sometimes want to show us things … pictures, a lot of jewelry that belonged to people they loved.  Old stocks and bonds that were decades old … it was their most valuable items.  And we got it.  We understood. We knew it was what everyone did.  They kept their most valuable memories safe, and that’s terrific. ###


I love dogs and I love to bake … this is a dream job.

I’m gambling that this is a great idea, and really it’s not a gamble because I’m being challenged and if it doesn’t work at least I had fun.  Time to switch it up and make it work then, if it flounders, since I’ll know what doesn’t work at that point.  I may need help though, if it takes off that is, and appears as if I might be able to market the business into a fortune.  Odds are it will be a laid-back lazy day booth at a small town market.


People would sometimes not want to go into the little safe deposit box room because they were just taking something out or putting something in, and that way they didn’t have to keep handing their key to the employee.  We would turn our backs, since we couldn’t leave a box unlocked, and they would sometimes want to show us things … pictures, a lot of jewelry that belonged to people they loved.  Old stocks and bonds that were decades old … it was their most valuable items.  And we got it.  We understood. We knew it was what everyone did.  They kept their most valuable memories safe, and how great is that?

I never had to worry about my boredom level since I could just create some action, some project, and it filled my need for distraction.